
Heartcore Portfolio Careers

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VP of Product



Copenhagen, Denmark
Posted on Saturday, April 22, 2023
Issuu is the leading content publishing and distribution platform, used by millions of businesses to make their content marketing materials, brochures, catalogs, sales materials, publications, newsletters digitally available across all channels. At the heart of Issuu is the Issuu Story Cloud, a suite of advanced features designed to transform a single piece of content into assets for every online marketing channel. Issuu enables customers to create once, share everywhere with Issuu!
About the role
As VP of Product and UX for Issuu, you will manage dedicated product managers the UX/Design group and ensure that all work together in order to seamlessly create a unified and collaborative experience that continues to scale and offer great value and a great experience to customers around the globe. Reporting directly to our CEO, you will help define the future of Issuu, lead the product organization and oversee product strategy. You will partner with our Marketing, Engineering, Customer Success, BI and Sales to define our go-to-market strategy, execute towards goals, and deliver a delightful, clear experience for customers adopting, purchasing, and growing with Issuu.

What You Will Do!

  • Oversee and align multiple roadmaps across PMs and the rest of the organization, as well as with the larger Issuu-wide strategy
  • Ensure a scalable platform across single users to multiple users
  • Ensure customer delight and value along with data and quantitative impact are at the forefront of each team’s efforts and are based on proper opportunity assessments
  • Manage, recruit, and grow a team of PM and Designers
  • Build upon Issuu’s data-supported strategies for development, while cultivating a culture of product specialists ahead of trends and user needs
  • Create a collaborative and inclusive environment that is respectful, open-minded, and effective, and foster a team culture of accountability and self-management
  • Work closely with leadership across Customer Success, Engineering, Marketing, and BI/Analytics to build cohesive products for all parts of the business
  • Help set pricing and packaging and adjust as necessary
  • Oversee execution in alignment with company goals
  • Demonstrate the qualities of care, grit and learning across all you do.

Skills and knowledge you should possess:

  • 10+ years of experience building digital products, including products built from scratch as well as through the entire product lifecycle
  • SMB, PLG expertise and experience
  • Bachelor’s or Master’s degree, or equivalent work experience
  • 5+ years of experience managing Product teams, with a passion for developing the careers of high-performing product managers
  • Demonstrated effective partnership with people and teams across the organization
  • Leader driven by product passion, customer care, data, able to successfully balance quantitative and qualitative input to make decisions
  • Experience with and/or significant passion for content tools, and the rapidly shifting the content landscape.